The Reflection Hour
This morning, I started my day out on a good note engulfing my morning with a healthy breakfast, prophetic words via YouTube, and...
This morning, I started my day out on a good note engulfing my morning with a healthy breakfast, prophetic words via YouTube, and...
Never allow anyone to take over the start of your day! Give your waking attention to morning prayers, meditation, and some form of...
The seer will always see! This morning, I had numerous spiritual thoughts/ downloads come to me after engulfing my morning with a good...
Open Thoughts: The philosophies of a wandering mind By: Nedra Shantae This morning, I went down a rabbit hole after talking with a good...
January 9, 2024 This morning I started my day off with the usual motivational content I like to watch that helps me get my mind prepared...
Have you ever sat and thought about what it is that leads people to live in an existence that is filled with half-truths? What is it that...
Baltimore Imprint 2 is on the way!!! Check out an excerpt from the book: Chapter Nine: Elevation with a side of misinterpretation Chapter...
Check out my latest interview with Abby...
Yesterday I had the privilege of meeting some great people whom all were brought together based on their love of writing. As I sat on the...
I will be a guest speaker at the Louisa county library author discussion on April 27, 2023: with local authors Lori Mier and Tim Wendel...
I always knew it would happen, and despite my lack of familiarity with the issue, I finally experienced it. I felt it lurking in the...
I will be the guest speaker for The Making Of A Diamond podcast with Hope Melton on May 14, 2022, at 7:30 pm EST. Please tune in to hear...
The Baltimore Imprint has been a project that has taken me an extensive amount of time to complete. I started working on this project two...
Baltimore Imprint is finally on the way!
There's no better feeling in the world than getting shit done, especially when you’re a mom! Often we cultivate our to-do list dreading...
My first book, The Diary of Janay Wilkerson The Descendants of the Pharaohs, was published on December 30, 2020. When I initially sat...
The other day my daughter walked gracefully into her sixteenth year of life. Leaving me in a state of disbelief as I reflected on all...
I arose from the sofa yesterday morning after a long night of movies, video games, and door dash with my kids. I woke up to hear the...
Today I have been thinking about the concept of patience. Wondering what it is that urges us internally to want to rush our processes....