January 9, 2024
This morning I started my day off with the usual motivational content I like to watch that helps me get my mind prepared for the day and I came across several pieces of content via YouTube that led me down a path of deep thoughts. I came across a spiritual page with a young lady whose content is normally not for me. Although she is a beautiful young lady and speaks to several physical and spiritual truths, I had previously found her content lacked the spiritual pull that usually draws me to someone’s post. That is until this morning. I stumbled across a video where she spoke about people deliberately trying to diminish others. Not because they are deserving of the rejection but because they are incapable of allowing your authentic spirit to shed light due to the spirit of familiarity and envy. The spirit that allows them to recognize your gifts, truths, and accolades but due to it being YOU they have decided to pretend to turn a blind eye to your offerings. Not because your gifts are not needed or cannot do the world some good but simply because they have placed you in a box that has allowed them to think they are superior to you and your being altogether. She then touched on how often you will find that you embody everything they are willing to celebrate in others but can't celebrate it in you due to their feeling of inferiority. The ego can be treacherous and often misleading, allowing misinterpretations to flourish because it cannot allow you to feel as though someone else falls within a category you didn’t place them in. A category that has been determined and developed by a higher power that conveys to the flesh that “thou shall be who God has called them to be” regardless of your inability to agree with divine alignment of someone else’s timeline. She touched on so many things that made me feel as though she knew me personally and was sitting down to tell my story. The video resonated with me mainly because the experience she described is one I have been made to live through for years within my environment. There were times that I felt plagued by it, and times when I felt as though I had no understanding of it altogether. It wasn’t until last year that I felt like God started revealing certain forms of clarity to me about my experiences regarding why he had created the reality he had for me at certain times in my life.
It wasn’t until I became fully aware and content with myself that I started to understand how trivial our rejectors are in the grand scheme of things. The world has evolved to be many things that are often unauthentic due to the many advances we now know and have the privilege of utilizing in our day to day lives. For instance, social media. Previously I had 800 followers on my social media, with a large quantity of daily views but no engagement. Although most would say they have encountered the same reality it got me to thinking why so many people will show up in a space that is yours daily watching and monitoring your every move, yet they cant bring themselves to say a kind word, engage positively, or even withstand the blessings and abundance they are viewing that is yours. Why would someone feel a desire to be in the know about you, yet they feel they do not like, support, or agree with anything about your essence? I feel this is something that has come up in conversations many times when I talk to people who fall within my age group when discussing monitoring spirits. You see I have friends/ family who’d say, “let them watch your blessings” and then there are those like me who’d say, “Let me clear out all energy that isn’t serving me”. I believe that energy is an exchange that can create a positive or a negative environment for us depending on what we allow, and what we take in both consciously and unconsciously. Everyday I wake up with good intent to live, learn, and lead despite what negative energies may be hurdling around me. Although I am not always aware of someone’s true nature, I have found in my 36 years of living that my intuition is one of my most superior qualities and I have been blessed with the spirit of discernment although I haven’t always utilized it in the proper ways. As I travel the road on my own spiritual awakening God has been redeveloping me and many of my behaviors and thought processes that have allowed me to conduct myself in ways that are healthier for the person I am and the person I am becoming. A few days ago, I decided to delete all my social media accounts and only keep my business and personal Instagram along with TikTok. After making these choices I decided to go through and do some additional clearing removing the majority of my followers who consisted of friends, family, former colleagues, and strangers who would be first in line to view my stories like clockwork but didn’t engage, never showed genuine support, or just had no real purpose other than being one of the many monitoring spirits I had welcomed into my space via these apps. Instagram, which once consisted of 800 followers was depreciated to less than 70 people and it felt good to cleanse that space of all of the unhealthy, unnecessary watchers. This got me thinking about self-care and how we often overlook certain things we welcome into our space because those very things have become social norms. We hate to feel as though our privacy has become compromised, yet we give so many parts of our lives to these apps that are flooded with people who are not viewing us with good intentions. There is power in privacy, but there is also power in cleansing your space and ridding your environment of any energy that is not serving a positive purpose in your life. As I continued to watch the video of the young lady a few key points came to mind. I thought about the disservice that comes along with instant gratification and validation from the outside world. We all want to receive our flowers from the environments we have come to know that we feel are ours but often we don’t stop to consider why our journeys don’t mirror those of our peers. For instance, I know several people who have experienced instant gratification and instead of it being a resource it became a burden to their process leading them to a halt once they have done all that they could regarding their matters. You see this takes place when the fake love, fake praise, and fake well wishes would disappear because the instant gratification that was craved, turned out to be compiled of components that lack the longevity that comes with the blessings received through divine timing. Gratification and validation feed the ego, taking away from the spirit because the person with the gift and the purpose has now displaced the very core components that are essential to the journey. The ego is fed through the guise of worldly gratification, therefore starving the spirit, and funneling out the very components that are needed most for the journey. Sometimes God offers you a different experience that does not allow you the celebration, validation, or gratification you anticipated because your calling and blessings are bigger than the worldly stipulation you are placing on yourself. Because social media gratification is trivial when you are meant to heal hearts, change thoughts, and awaken others to God's glory! The opportunities you felt missed you in your small town were simply God's protection because he knew you walking into those spaces with the authentic energy you now possess could not be deciphered properly! Sometimes there is a blessing in being rejected because God is saying to you the places, spaces, and people he has for YOU is a lot grander than the small potatoes your mind is willing to fathom. You see God did not bless us with redevelopment only to send us into the same old spaces that stripped us of the very things we were gifted with in the first place. This morning I heard God saying I sent you into those spaces amongst those unwelcoming faces to build you, prepare you, so I could then bless you! Now that I have built you internally in ways you formerly would’ve declined, I am redeveloping your external so you can go the distance and do the things I have called you to do in my name! The doors that didn’t open were apart of the plan! The people who gossiped about your hardship was apart of the plan! The people who felt joy from your pain were apart of the plan! The loved ones who betrayed you were apart of the plan! The opportunities that lacked longevity were apart of the plan! Your battle with self worth and self doubt were apart of the plan! Understand that the reckoning is here and could not have arrived without the rejection, persecution, and misinterpretation! Understand that to receive ascension you must first allow the spirit of God to break you down to your lowest form! A form that is filled with humility and hardship because those are the experiences you learn the most from. If I embody the spirit of the lord, then how can I not stand firm against those who doubt my existence? If I know that I embody strength, how can I not stand firm against those who assume me to be weak? If I know that I embody love, how can I not stand firm against those who meet that love with unprecedented hatred? If I feel God's spirit on the inside of me shifting my inner world and my outer world, why would I call my attention to anything else? “For I know the plans I have for you; declares the lord. Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11 This morning God revealed to me that all of the negative experiences were apart of his positive plans for my life! I know that we live in a world that places so many things upon our being that we often take ownership to behaviors and feelings we don’t intend to. Simply because we lack the core understanding that God is the ultimate planner and no matter what it looks like for us in the now, he is the same God that can turn our water into wine if and when we allow things to unfold naturally. Gratification lacks longevity and seniority that can only come from blessings ordained by God! So if there is anyone searching for gratification from the world my prayer for you today is that you lay down the ideology’s of man and know that in divine time God will bless you with all of your hearts desires if you follow him, lean on him, and trust that he can deliver you from any false reality that does not belong to you! No weapon formed against you shall prosper when you know you are protected by GOD. I pray that you desire less to feed your ego and more to feed your soul with the goodness that is all around you. Live in the moment! Value all of your experiences even the ones that hurt you in ways you cannot speak out-loud. The friends that let you down may have bruised your heart, but they are a blessing! The partners that didn’t work out were simply a tool to allow you to understand your worth! The career paths that felt empty were simply Gods way of pushing you toward the career that is filled with abundance and purpose! The doors that didn’t open were not meant to be because God wants to bless you with ten times more than what you have envisioned, so his ability to open doors will become assessable to you once you expand your visions to his liking! He knew you before you were formed in your mother’s wound! He had a plan for your life long before your plans were derived! Forgive the people that hurt you so God can heal you! Ask God to bless the very people who are praying on your downfall! Pray that God fills their hearts with esteem, love, and ambitions to better themselves! Pray that God lifts their burdens of darkness, so they no longer feel the need to project their shortcomings into the lives of others. Pray that God heals any eyes that have witnessed your growth and development with an evil eye and pray that God heals them so they too can receive the blessings God has for them! We often take so many things to heart because in the moment hurt is hurt but we never stop to recognize that anyone who distributes that sort of energy is battling with their own hurtful experiences. Forgiveness is hard but it is essential for both parties. It is also essential for God to be able to bless you with the abundance he has for you! A heart that is free of grudges, hatred, and negativity is a heart that can be filled with the spirit of God and welcomed into the realm of overflow. Heal your heart, protect your energy, and give love to your environment! Every day isn’t going to be perfect but there is something perfect that can be pulled from your space every day! Cleanse your connections, talk about the things that bother you with the people you love, and open your heart to the discernment that is revealed to you. Everyone that is welcomed in our space will not stay, and that is okay! Remove the things and people that should be removed with the intention of protecting you! while wishing better for them! Take the lessons as they come and receive them as resources of knowledge that will help you heal your heart and mind and keep you engulfed in the spirit of the lord! After hearing this revelation and putting my pen to paper I heard God say the time has come for you to do what it is I have created you to do! I felt God lift my burdens of anxiety over the previous weeks as I poured out my truths to those around me , stood in my new, and laid the past to rest. Even now as I write these words I feel the spirit of the lord moving through my veins pushing me towards an existence I could have never fathomed. An existence where I have been greeting each mirrored reflection, past failure, facing my fear of relationships all while building my relationship with God. I am engulfed with the spirit of David, job, and Joseph! I am laying down my plans before God and taking ownership of the plans he is setting before me although I was not prepared for some of the developmental changes God has placed on me in this new day! So, if there is anyone here today that feels God shifting some things in their life, I ask that you lay down your burdens of fear and doubt and allow God to do his good works in your honor! Remember that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! If I am an embodiment of everything, they are willing to celebrate in others, yet they do not celebrate or welcome me what does that mean? That means they are not my people and that is okay! God is sending your tribe! The tribe that will see you and not feel inferior! The tribe that will hear your intense words and welcome your powerful spirit and not feel intimidated! The tribe that will view God bestowing his blessings upon you and not feel envious! The tribe who will hear your story, welcome your testimony, and thank God for the blessing of delivering you out of the darkness and into a space where you could share your scars with a population who needs to see a YOU to understand the possibilities, they too have available to them! Sometimes answering the call is a task within itself Because it doesn’t come with instant gratification, answers to our problems, or reassurance in the ways we have previously assumed. Sometimes the call comes with more questions, more responsibility, and more footwork that we did not anticipate! Remember it’s not supposed to be easy because if it we’re then anyone could do it! In this day I know that I am now leaning on the understanding that the same God that revealed the path will reveal the resources! The same God that blessed me with the ability to overcome so many battles and hardships will reveal yet another path of deliverance when the time is right! “If God is for me than it doesn’t matter who is against me”-Romans 8:31 for he has made me strong, wise, agile, intelligent, and fully capable of every task he is trusting me with on this new day!